Friday, January 20, 2012

Touch of Gray

We painted our house a couple months ago. Unfortunately I will always associate it with our little turtle escaping and getting run over when the gate was open. He was not long for this world. He wanted to live free or die! And he almost made it across the street too.
RIP Tebow!

OK so aaanyway the house looks great, I love it. The color we picked was called Charcoal Smudge by Dunn Edwards. And we spray painted the mailbox yellow. I like to think of it as the handkerchief in the suit pocket...or something like that.

This is the before....we also tore out the bushes and plan to replace them with something else.

Here's the me it looks classier without the christmas lights


  1. Can we call the yellow mailbox "bling"? :{)
