Just got back from Alaska where my brother-in-law Matt and new wife Kaili live. We were there for their wedding, it was a great (but short) visit. Though with the 22 hours of daylight it seemed like we were there longer than 4 days! The 5 hour flight wasn't too bad since the girls slept most of the way, its just the pesky holding them while they sleep part that gets tiring. On the way home, our flight left at 1 am. I seemed to have lost my ID so I had to wait to go through some additional screening, and we ended up running through the terminal just to make our flight on time - all while carrying 2 sleeping girls, 2 car seats, 3 carry-on bags, a stroller, and a partridge in a pear tree. This morning while unpacking, I found my ID in my diaper bag.
So here are some pics!
This is our niece Khloe. She's a sweetheart.
And here's our other niece Kierra, she's turning one this week!
Carys was in heaven everywhere we went, just running around playing in the grass and dirt.
Sealin' the deal!
(yes i just used the word reckon)
Behind the cabin where the wedding was, we found this stump and I happened to get the cutest picture of Carys ever...I'm just sayin'.
Charlie girl was there too! Beautiful.
This is the original Wunische family. Paul and Barb with Nathan, Matt and Adam
Way to go mom, nice pic's! :{)