Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas
For Christmas I wanted to post an entry from Pastor Greg Laurie's blog a couple years ago, that always stuck with me and made me love the beautiful song "I heard the bells on Christmas Day" even more. Below the story I'm posting the song if you'd like to hear it.
I hope anyone reading this has a wonderful Christmas, and that you are blessed by the joy and reality of Christ's birth!
"Great is the mystery of Godliness, that God was manifested in the flesh"
1 Timothy 3:16
Greg's blog 12/24/08:
As we prepare to celebrate Christmas Eve, I thought I would tell you a story. It’s a story about one of the most beloved of all the Christmas songs we sing this time of the year.
The sadness of the holidays
One of the most familiar songs we hear during the holidays is “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day,” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and the story behind it is interesting.
In 1860, Longfellow was at the peak of his success as a poet. Abraham Lincoln had just been elected President, giving hope to many.
But things soon turned dark for America and for Longfellow personally. The Civil War began the next year, and Longfellow’s wife died in a tragic accident in their home. Longfellow suffered severe burns on his hands and face while trying to save his wife.
He was so badly burned that he could not even attend her funeral.
Sorrow at Christmas
In his diary for Christmas Day 1861, he wrote, “How inexpressibly sad are the holidays.” In 1862, the toll of war began to mount, and in his diary for that year Longfellow wrote, “A merry Christmas say the children, but that is no more for me.”
In 1863, his son–who had run away to join the Union army–was severely wounded and came home in December. There is no entry in Longfellow’s diary for that Christmas.
A new Christmas song is born
Longfellow wanted to pull out of his despair, so he decided to try to capture the joy of Christmas in verse. He began:
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men.
As he came to the third stanza, he was stopped by the thought of the condition of his beloved country. The Battle of Gettysburg was not long past. Days looked dark, and he probably asked himself the question, “How can I write about peace on earth, goodwill to men in this war-torn country, where brother fights against brother, and father against son?”
God is not dead
But he kept on going, and wrote in the sixth stanza:
And in despair I bowed my head:
“There is no peace on earth,” I said:
“For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men.”
But then, catching an eternal perspective and the real message of Christmas and Christ Himself, he wrote in the final stanza:
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor doth he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men.”
That’s right, “God is not dead, nor doth He sleep!”
If you want a blessed Christmas Eve tonight, focus on that.
Casting Crowns Live
Monday, December 13, 2010
Nailed It!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wish List

Quite possibly the coolest diaper bag by OiOi...though I'm not sure how long it would hold up!

Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker.....because ice cream rules

J Crew Bootcut Cords....i wish they made maternity clothes, but its probably better for our bank account that they don't

Chevron Rug from West Elm...I would put this under our dining table

Steve Madden Buckkie boots, I would sport these all winter!
Friday, November 12, 2010
the reveal...she turned bright red, good times!
Pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese's a win-win people
I found this yummy apple cider punch recipe at, google it!
the food table...we put together these chip cones with scrapbook paper. More trouble than they were worth? Possibly. Fun to do arts and crafts with my husband? Definitely.
(sorry for the closeup of my mug but look at Carys' hair, and my adorable niece Sydney!)

I love how sweet this picture is, my mom with my nephew Derek.Watching the slide show....tear. Nothing like a photo montage set to good music. I used Matt Redman's "You Never Let Go" and Matt Maher's "Hold Us Together", two of my absolute faves.
one more decor pic, sorry I can't resist. stems in clear water, is there anything better?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Confession Time
Long story short (too late!), along the way from then to now, I think I have gotten much better in the girly department. I do love to shop, I like makeup and I’d like to think that I have some form of my own style. But still, I always dreamed that I would be raising boys. I would have a couple sons, and then maybe throw a daughter in there just for fun. I had it all planned out, didn’t you know that God? So there I was in 2008, pregnant with my first boy, right? I vividly remember the ultrasound tech telling me, “it looks like you have a little princess here!” I thought there must be some mistake. But I hated the feeling of being disappointed when I had this amazing miracle growing in my belly. Then a few months later I met the 2nd love of my life and I couldn’t believe how blessed I was. My beautiful, sassy, hilarious daughter Carys Jordan (yes, named after that Jordan), I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the entire world. I really do love having a daughter!
So now in 2010, I was ready to have a son. OK Lord, I told him, you taught me a great lesson with my daughter and now I know you were right all along, so now gimme that boy!….right? This time my doctor even told me, the heartbeat sounds like a boys because it’s slower, I felt different this time around, heartburn and other stuff, it must be a boy. I was all pumped up, and there we are looking at the baby’s legs spread eagle on the ultrasound….ain’t nothing going on down there except 3 little lines and this baby is a GIRL too! I felt like a terrible mama yet again, I should be really excited! I cried in the parking lot while Nathan hugged me, I couldn’t believe I reacted this way. What I was acting like was a spoiled brat who doesn’t know what is good for them. The next 2 days I kept thinking about the baby I wasn’t going to have, more than the baby that I was having. Oh it sounds so mean when I read that! Now I know that the Lord is showing me something about His will, that it is ALWAYS better than ours. I know this sounds like Christianity 101, but its something that is truly learned when you are faced with a certain reality. Easy to say, but not always easy to take. It was my pride that led me to think that I know how my life is supposed to go, and this pride is truly ingrained in our flesh. We can’t overcome it without HIS help. And He is also telling me that I am girly, I am His daughter, and I am not defined by anything but that.
I am so thankful that God always gives us another chance, when we are repentant after acting like complete fools. His mercies really are new every morning. I started to think about women who can’t even conceive a child, who am I to be even thinking this way at all? I think about how much fun I have with Carys, dressing her, snuggling with her and decorating her room…..and how much I just absolutely adore her. How she loves tutus and kitties, dinosaurs and elephants.
And I rejoice at the thought of the 3rd love of my life that is coming my way.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
It's a girl....again!
Maybe something in me knew because a while back I saved this picture of a cool shared girls room that I just loved. Now this is pink done right...and the portraits are my favorite part.
(from online magazine Lonny)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Passing Down

Then the other day we were eating Top Ramen together. Yes I know it has a ton of sodium, but its just so yummy sometimes. I was using chopsticks and of course she wanted to use them too. I had some training ones for her to try. See she does have some Chinese in her!

Sunday, October 3, 2010
I Stare You

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Coming Attraction
Check it out below you can see the head, body, and arms...I finally figured out how to use my scanner! On November 4th, hopefully we will find out the sex of this little being...
My mind is still adjusting to the reality of having two kids. I was someone who barely even changed a diaper before Carys came along! But I know that if I just trust in the Lord for strength and wisdom, I have nothing to fear. I have far, far more to rejoice about than I ever would to complain about.
I was carrying Carys in a parking lot the other day and I told her, "wow you are getting heavy, girl" and she says to me, "You can do it Mommy!" Ohh she is the sweetest. How could I not be excited at the prospect of another one of these precious ones...
(Thanks Andi Lucero for this amazing picture!)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Buttahh Chicken
It starts out the night before, marinating in this yummy indian spice concoction. I didn't have seperate cardamom and ground coriander, but I used garam masala spice, which has those two in it plus pepper and cumin.
Here is the chicken browning over garlic and onions. I really love this recipe b/c I didn't have to worry about cooking the chicken all the way myself, once you pour the tomato sauce and diced tomatoes over, it just cooks it for you!

Here is the link to the recipe and Pioneer Woman's site, who has a much prettier demo than I do. Hope you love it!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Eye Candy
From Bathrooms: OK this is not very realistic but seriously, this is so luxurious to me...that Japanese tub, and the open shower...dreaming....

From Dining Rooms: It's all about this red rug, I would love one just like it. Not sure about that freaky artwork though.

A booth would be so cool in a big kitchen, although this one seems to be built for midgets. What I really love is the map. I am officially on the lookout for a big, old, cool map. And why is there a creepy bunny sitting there?

From Kids Rooms: Carys needs a teepee!

Actually I think all the patterns here are too busy together, but how cute is that tree mural with the birdhouses on the wall? I would be fighting for the top bunk.

From Bedrooms: I am digging the huge mirrors on both sides, and of course the his and hers antlers. Makes me want to snuggle up.

The link to their sneak peek page is here.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Oh Dee Doh
Here is an adorable girl's room from there...

And one for boys...

I love you orange, you're so versatile :)
Monday, August 16, 2010

Now that we're home I am itching to get organized and do a couple home projects. Time will tell what actually happens. Oh and my fantasy football draft is next weekend, must prepare! What a dork...
Also I really want to get this planner from Paper Source..and it starts in August 2010...coincidence? I think not.

Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Big Three-Oh

Nathan turned 30 last week. He didn't want me to throw him a party, so I didn't. We did have some nice dinners though and he got gifts of course. It was funny but he was kind of depressed about getting older. Poor guy :)
Jaidyn made him this really cute card too that I just had to share. Isn't it sweet?
I'm so thankful for him and everything he does for our family. Love you hubby!

Monday, July 26, 2010
Addison Road
Romans 11:33 says "Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgements and His ways past finding out!"
And verse 36, "For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen."
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Home Away from Home

It's so hard to get a good family pic of us these days, this is as close as we came. This was at Lake Pend O'reille...the picture doesn't do it justice, its so beautiful...bluest blue sky, bright green trees and really cold water!
here was the scene at the wedding, not too shabby right?
here is Carys with Grandpa and Grandma Barbie
Riding Lily the pony, is she huge or what? (the girl, not the pony) Actually the pony was a midget. this is what I call a vacation!