I had to post about this recipe because it was so delicious and easy, plus I love Indian food! Well I am not that adventurous with it considering I usually just order Chicken Tikka Masala and naan bread since you just cannot go wrong with it. This recipe is pretty similar to Tikka Masala. I don't know what the difference is, but I just know it's fabulous. I saw it on Pioneer Woman via Tasty Kitchen. And you simply must serve it with naan ( i get mine in the Trader Joes freezer section). I think next time I will also add peas to give it a little more green and variety.
It starts out the night before, marinating in this yummy indian spice concoction. I didn't have seperate cardamom and ground coriander, but I used garam masala spice, which has those two in it plus pepper and cumin.

Here is the chicken browning over garlic and onions. I really love this recipe b/c I didn't have to worry about cooking the chicken all the way myself, once you pour the tomato sauce and diced tomatoes over, it just cooks it for you!

Here's what it looked like after cooking in the sauce and adding the heavy cream. It smells absolutely divine I am telling you.

And here it is on the plate with white rice of course. Cilantro goes on top which normally I don't love, but here it works. Don't forget the naan!

Mm-hmm, this stuff is the bomb. They have plain also that you just put butter on, its heavenly.
Here is the
link to the recipe and Pioneer Woman's site, who has a much prettier demo than I do. Hope you love it!
Ah and so you came across a recipe worthy of a blog post..Awesome!!I will have to try it! XO