Downey Simple Pleasures dryer sheets in Sage Jasmine Thrill. I have never beeen a fan of dryer sheets, they are usually just too strong and overpowering for me. These leave just a faint scent, just simple...and pleasurable. hurray!

Valhrona Dark Chocolate 71% Cacao. The word is out that dark chocolate is actually good for you in small amounts, so this is my new nighttime snack. I have done extensive taste tests (okay, maybe I just tried 2 other kinds but anyway) and this is the best. Of course it is expensive at a buck for just a little bar. But if you have discipline it can last you 3 nights! I find it at the Trader Joe's checkout stand.
Kosher Salt. How did I cook before without this. Using table salt? Ugh. I'll never go back.
Clorox Bleach Pen...I just got this little guy because I spilled chocolate milk on my new white jeans, and the stain went bye bye!
Which reminds me of one of my other new favorite things...Sorry the ten dollar thing is out the window with the next two.
White Jeans from Zara....found here. Still affordable, under 50 bucks!
I love them with the J. Crew Vintage V-neck tee. You can dress it up or down. I love J. Crew but I find their stuff can be hit or miss with me. Not this baby, this is my favorite tee out there, hands down, love it. Collecting all the colors...
By the way, if you are reading this, you most likely were re-directed from my old blog address, so thanks for coming over! I am trying to work out a few things, like my sidebar links coming back. Hopefully they will be fixed soon! And please follow me up on the top left if you can.
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