We made it through Thanksgiving week and now even more appreciative of everything and everyone we have been blessed with. Last Monday our next door neighbor Bary suffered a massive stroke and several ruptured brain aneurisms. He is currently on life support and fighting for his life, we are reminded once again how precious life is, and every moment is truly a gift from the Lord above, whether we acknowledge it or not, that is the truth! We are continuing in prayer for Bary and know that God is still in the business of working miracles. Him and his wife Janice have been wonderful, supportive neigbors to my grandparents for many years, and now to us.
Here are some pictures of our first hosted Thanksgiving....

We used my Grandma Clark's china and flatware that was passed down to me. I really love how it turned out with the gold chargers. Plus we have enough kids now that we could have a kids table there in the background.

Playing in the leaves

We had a "thankful tree" where we wrote out what we were thankful for on paper leaves and hanged them up

OK so we haven't perfected how to use the lighting on our camera yet, but Nathan managed to get a picture of us with all the delcious grub!
"Four thumbs up"!!! :{)