This has absolutely been one of the best years of my life. Charlie Grace has been such a blessing to us, and being home with her and Carys (though sometimes crazy of course) has just been awesome.

Here are the girls enjoying Charlie's new car. This is how I'm going to work out this summer, pushing them around the backyard as fast as I can!
We threw a ladybug themed party for her last weekend. I was really happy with how it came together.

I made a banner with her pictures from every month of her first year.

We served "worms in dirt" for the kids, and ants on a log (which I am pretty sure that I ate most of those). The cake is from Pavilions, my secret party weapon. This delicious cake was only 20 bucks and they decorate it however you want. And then I made those cute ladybugs from the Hostess blog. Anyone need them? I can't bear to throw them away just yet...

There was a ladybug craft for the kids using black plastic plates and card stock to make different colored bugs. I cut the card stock in the shapes of wings, a head and the spots for them to glue on.

Happy Birthday to my sweet, adventurous little girl!