Let's see, what did I do this year. Cooked a lot of meals, had a lot of play dates, and had another baby! I'm excited this year to get out there more and have some adventures. As I've shared before, I have so many ideas floating around in my head of things I want to do or get done, but once I am faced with free alone time, I remember....wait, I can sleep! Or one of my other faves, sitting on the couch and doing nothing. ha!
So long story short, this year I would like to be more active. More active in physical exercise and in spiritual exercise: being in the Word more and in prayer more (in touch with headquarters as they say), and basically, more active in life!
"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfullness. "The Lord is my portion", says my soul, therefore I hope in Him!"
Lamentations 3:22-24
And here are some pics from the end of the year:

First Christmas :)

First Christmas where she was
really excited about it!

Here we are Christmas Day at my mom's house

She got nail polish in her stocking, and so it begins....

slippery little sucker

Here are Nathan's parents and Grandma Charlotte with the girls

This is our serious look.
(Barb took a lot more pics of our Idaho trip that I did, so I will need to get those from her!)