Andrew and Adriana's wedding was on Saturday, it was awesome. Everything looked beautiful and we had a fabulous time. I really didn't get as many pictures as I wanted on my camera, that's what happens when you're toting around a 6 month old I guess! My sister in law got a lot more, so I'll just have to wait for her to get her download on to get the really good ones.
The kids with Andrew & Adriana before the ceremony
Me and my girls getting ready
Dancing with Daddy, yes I did her hair! A very proud parenting moment for me

OK so I dropped the ball on this one's hair, but look how cuddly she is!
Little princess

Gettin' it done!

With my Dad and my brothers, love these guys!

David and Michelle in the dance contest, no pressure....needless to say, my hubby opted out of this one :)

My dad and stepmom Phoeby doin their thing. They did a fox trot, tango and a waltz. Very cool!


Here is my flower girl Carys with my niece Sydney. She did such a good job! And by good job I mean she didn't freak out, couldn't ask for more than that