Every time we come to visit where Nathan is from, I just want to move there a little bit more. Watch out California!
Here are some highlights from the last trip:

Happy Birthday Grandpa
Is there anything cuter than a bunch of toddlers screaming in a swinging hammock? Answer: No
Charlie had fun in the swing. She's getting so big! 4 1/2 months now.
We found a spot on the river to fish and play in the rocks....
and have a tea party of course!
How's this for rest stop scenery, not bad huh?
Smores baby
OK it is pretty much impossible to get a good family picture with the girls at these ages!
Every time we come up I like to get this chicken sandwich (with poblano peppers and honey cream cheese) at The Porch. I love you Santa Fe sandwich, until we meet again.
This is just funny.
And this is what vacation is all about.