We just got back from a week at "grandma's house" as my daughter now calls it. Basically our time was spent running around outside, enjoying the perfect weather and scenery, playing with the dogs, checking out the pony, swimming at the lake, and eating lots of food of course. And Nathan was also in his friend Eric's wedding. My in-laws are awesome and we have a handful of wonderful friends to see.
Every time I go to visit, I really do feel more at home there, it's so refreshing, and Nathan and I wonder why we are still living in California? Of course there are just a few reasons we are still here, like family, friends, our church family and Nathan's work to sum it up. SoCal will always be home to me, but I often think with how short life is, why just live in the same place the whole time? Lots to think and pray about for sure... but you never know, anything can happen!
It's so hard to get a good family pic of us these days, this is as close as we came. This was at Lake Pend O'reille...the picture doesn't do it justice, its so beautiful...bluest blue sky, bright green trees and really cold water!
here was the scene at the wedding, not too shabby right?
here is Carys with Grandpa and Grandma Barbie
Riding Lily the pony, is she huge or what? (the girl, not the pony) Actually the pony was a midget.

this is what happens when I'm not looking apparently
contemplating life....

....now this is what I call a vacation!